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Learn how to balance the PH level of your body. Acidic versus Alkaline.

  PH Level and our health is one of the scientific ways that our body works and performs on a daily basis.                                                         PH stands for potential of hydrogen, which is a measurement of the hydrogen ion concentration in the body. The total pH scale ranges from 1 to 14, with 7 considered to be neutral. A pH less than 7 is said to be acidic and a pH greater than 7 are basic or alkaline.  Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. In fact, hydrogen makes up an estimated 90 percent of all atoms. In most cases  when you hear about hydrogen, it is usually in the context of outer space, in the science laboratory experiments or as fuel source for cars. However hydrogen is also a crucial element in the operation of the human body. One major way that hydrogen is used in the body is in water. Water(H2O) is made up of two third hydrogen atoms. That is why water is so important and  it is made up of over 60 percent of the human body
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Benefits of eating raw food.

Why Raw food ? The reason why raw food is so beneficial to our total well-being in today's world is the fact that we are dealing with so many immune system issues. These issues affects both the young and the older persons health in our generation. We then have to make sure that 51 Percent of the meal that we have is raw, so that we do not overburden that already burden immune system. We are encouraged to eat organic food which is mainly fruit, vegetables, grains, raw unsalted nuts ,seeds and lean meat (chicken, turkey, fish) in moderation. As we are becoming more aware of the facts and realized that our food have more detrimental effects on our total wellness because most of them are already made and  fast food filled with additives such as MSG, preservatives and artificial coloring's. Even the ingredients of the food that we eat are made from "unhealthy" grown food full of hormones, herbicides and pesticides. More and more people have decided to choose food th

Eating real food everyday.

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Spiritual, physical and health benefits of fasting.

The purpose and benefits of fasting for a believer child of God. Fasting is a grace that significantly increases our ability to be receptive to the lord's voice and his word. Fasting provides unique spiritual benefits in the life of the believer. Fasting requires self control and discipline as one denies the natural desires of the flesh. During fasting , the believer's focus is removed from the physical things of this world and intensely concentrated on God. Fasting directs our hunger towards God. It clears the mind and body of worldly attentions and draws us close to God. This allows us to hear God more clearly.  Fasting has also proven as a profound need for God's help and guidance through complete dependence upon him. Seeking the face of God in fasting and prayers is essential as a christian . Be encouraged to observe this on a weekly basis. According to the  word of God in ( Matthew 17vs 21 ) says and I quote, " But this kind does not go out ex

Benefits of using Herbs ,spice and leafy green plants.

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The benefits of physical activities God's way.

  Healthy eating and exercise according to the bible  as planned by God.   1corinthians 3vs 16-17 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwells in you ? If any man defile the temple of God, him God will destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple are you? Quote KJV. We use this bible verse a lots as a guideline from God the father to live a holy lifestyle without intoxicating our bodies as believers of Jesus. The lord opened the eyes of my heart recently and revealed somethings to me that really made me think about the way I was taking care of my body with my daily intakes ( The food that I eat). I never knew that eating the wrong food is also counted as defiling my body.  I f we purchase sometime new and we did not know how to care and preserve it, no matter how expensive that item was it will eventually becomes weaker or outdated for a good use. God created us (like a vessel).  In our lives we all go through hard times and it tends

Benefits of Water for our overall wellness.

Water and weight management. Water intake is very essential for our overall health and wellness. Water helps maintain the balance of our body fluids. Our body is composed of about 60% water. The function of our bodily fluids includes help with digestion and elimination , absorption, circulation , transportation of nutrients and maintenance of body temperature. Add some fruit ,vegetable and herbs to you water for great taste and great detox benefits. Detox water has the power  to remove toxins and reduce inflammatory from the body . Detox water with lemon , cucumber and mint leaves.  I have been drinking this detox water for almost 2 years now, it makes water more easier to drink cos it add a refreshing taste to the water plus the benefits of detox. Am sticking with it for a lifetime. Smaller bottle for running.